Oh my…

I can’t believe it’s been almost two months since my last post. Actually it feels like two years. I’ve taken so many trips and done so many things and cooked so many dinners and met so many amazing people that it couldn’t have possibly all been crammed into eight weeks. I have so many stories to share and just need to find the time to sit down and share them.

But time is something I don’t have. I’m not alone here as I know everyone is busy and as you age it just seems to fly by. Lord, I sound like my mother. Until I can build a magic time stopping machine, which will enable me to put the world on hold so I can get some writing done, I’m going to give you the highlights in a series of posts over the next week or so as well as clue you into “Project Huge” also known as the project that is currently sucking the life out of me!


Filed under Articles

3 responses to “Oh my…

  1. She’s ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I heard about you from a good friend that decided to take on the big apple and he told me how great you were and I like and will be following you and maybe steal some of your ideas!!! God Bless.

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